You live in a magical universe. Children often understand this quite clearly, even if adults don’t. To a child, the world is alive with possibilities. Most people miss this wondrous fact because they’ve been trained to look only at the physical realm and to focus on the mundane aspects of daily life. Magic, however, teaches that physical existence is only the tip of the iceberg. As you develop your magical abilities, you’ll also rediscover the truly awesome power that abides in the universe — and in you.

10 Ways Magic Spells Can Help You

  1. Increase your personal power
  2. Attract wealth and abundance
  3. Enhance your love life
  4. Give your career a boost
  5. Protect yourself and your loved ones
  6. Safeguard your home and property
  7. Improve relationships with friends and family
  8. See into the future
  9. Improve your health
  10. Take charge of your life

From the perspective of science, everything is energy. From the perspective of magic, the world is surrounded by an energetic matrix that connects everything to everything else. This matrix, or cosmic web, not only envelops Earth like an aura, it permeates all things that exist here and extends throughout the solar system and beyond. The web pulses with subtle vibrations that magicians and other sensitive individuals can feel. Regardless of whether you are consciously aware of these vibrations, you are affected by them — and your own energetic vibrations continually affect the matrix.

Like the World Wide Web, the cosmic web teems with information. Every idea, word, action, and emotion, all going back to the beginning of time, are stored in this energetic matrix. Anyone who knows the password can access this vast storehouse. That’s why Edgar Cayce, the “Sleeping Prophet,” who had little formal education or medical training, could go into a trance and discover cures for the thousands of sick people who sought his aid. He psychically “downloaded” wisdom that great minds before him had placed in the cosmic web.

Magic isn’t dangerous, if done correctly. It isn’t difficult; anyone can do it. Magic isn’t evil — it’s a natural part of life. Remember, magic isn’t a parlor game. Practice it with sincerity and clarity.

How many times have you gotten a phone call from someone you were just thinking about? It’s not an accident. Your thoughts and the other person’s connected in the cosmic web before you spoke to one another in the physical realm. When you do magic, you purposefully tap into this infinite web. You intentionally send and receive thoughts and feelings via the web’s vibrational network — it’s almost like corresponding with a friend via e-mail. As you become skilled at using magic, you’ll learn to navigate the cosmic web just as easily as you surf the Internet. The first step is to sensitize yourself to these vibrations and become aware of the energetic field around you.

Generations ago, our forebears lived in close contact with the natural world. Their very existence depended on their ability to be in tune with weather patterns, planting and harvesting cycles, celestial movements, the changing tides, the animal, plant, and insect kingdoms, and much more. Most people today, on the other hand, are alienated from the natural world much of the time. It seems normal to live in temperature-controlled homes, work in offices sealed off from nature, and drive on freeways with the windows rolled up.

In order to do magic, however, you need to reawaken your awareness of the natural world so you can begin tapping the Earth’s vital energy. You need to experience your connectedness to everything around you. You need to enliven your senses. Once you’ve honed your five physical senses, you can begin developing your sixth sense.

Take a half hour away from your usual schedule to sharpen your senses. Go to a favorite place in nature. Breathe deeply and notice the scents you inhale. Take regular sense-stimulating breaks to bring yourself into harmony with the natural world.

The natural world is just as natural as it ever was, except that there’s less of it than there was a century ago, and most people don’t devote as much time as they should to enjoying it. As your magical consciousness increases, so will your appreciation of the world you live in. Many of the spells in this book use natural ingredients such as herbs, flowers, and stones.

Power Places

The place where you choose to do your magic is as individual as the kind of magic you do. Some people prefer a special spot that they set aside for the purpose of performing magic spells and rituals. Other people choose different locales, depending on the magic they’re doing, the time of the year, or for other personal reasons. You may wish to designate an interior and an exterior place for your magical work. Once you select a space, consider it sacred.

Find a spot that feels comfortable for you. This could be a place that holds special meaning for you or one that seems to resonate with the right vibes. Privacy is a key factor, too, especially if you live with other people or pets. Cats are notoriously curious about anything new going on where they live. They’ve often served as witches’ familiars, and if you have a cat, it may want to participate in your practice. It’s also a good idea to choose a spot that won’t be visible to your neighbors or the general public.

Interior Places

Your goal is to create an atmosphere that helps you feel centered, calm, and powerful. Remove anything that might disturb your peace or distract you from your purpose. The walls, furnishings, and floor should also be colors you find appealing. Some people enjoy soothing blues and greens, while others respond to the intensity of purple, fuchsia, or even black.

Some people prefer power spots that have an almost Zen-like spareness; others like surrounding themselves with objects that remind them of magic and enchantment. It’s up to you. Make sure your space includes something comfy to sit on and a surface of some kind where you can put candles, incense, and other tools of the trade. This surface might be as simple as a wooden box or a board supported by bricks, or as ornate as a formal altar. Again, this is a matter of personal preference.

If the surface is used for other purposes, smudge it before you use it. The smudging process entails burning sage and allowing the smoke to waft over the surface. Many people opt to smudge the space in which they do magic before performing each spell or ritual, in order to clear any unwanted vibrations that might interfere with their work.

Even if you don’t have a perfect spot, you can transform any ordinary place into a sacred space with your intent, passion, and belief. The more you work magic in a certain spot, the more it will take on the essence of your intention and the magical power you raise. If you have a favorite object — such as a statue, stone, crystal, or painting — keep it in the area where you cast your spells. A power object such as these helps maintain the magical atmosphere even when you’re not there. A small object can be moved around or taken along when you travel. Power objects help to focus your mind while you work and remind you of your objectives.

Outdoor Power Spots

Many magicians prefer to work outdoors. Druids, for instance, have long performed their magic in oak groves. To find a power spot in nature requires some time and intuition. Even if you decide to cast spells in your own backyard, you’ll want to find a spot that feels right.

You can do this by slowly walking the area you’ve chosen, remaining alert for any unusual or intense body sensations: a sense of peace, an elevated awareness, a slight chill on the back of your neck, a cozy warmth in the pit of your stomach. You’ll know which spot is ideal for you.

If you wish, you can dowse to find the right spot. You’ve probably heard of dowsing as a way to locate water. Some dowsers use forked sticks or metal rods that are sensitive to whatever they’re looking for. The dowsing tool dips down when it comes to the best location. A forked branch of a willow, if you can find one, is an ideal dowsing device, but you can make a simple dowsing rod from wire hangers. For any dowsing tool to work, though, it must be infused with your intent and purpose. Request aloud that the dowsing rod locate the right spot for your spell-casting.

The Seven Directions

Whether your power spot is indoors or outside, it’s important to determine the four cardinal points of your area. A fundamental reason for being aware of north, south, east, and west is that these compass points anchor you in the natural world and orient your position relative to the sun, moon, stars, planets, and Earth.

In magic, the four compass directions are more than mere geographical designations. They possess special meanings and associations. The four directions are depicted in Hindu mandalas, Native American medicine wheels, Celtic stone circles, and many other outer expressions of mystical and magical belief. Some magicians choose to cast a circle around the sacred space where they perform spells and rituals. You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 10, but in a nutshell a circle is cast to protect the people involved in the spell, safeguard the magic they’re doing, and prevent outside energies or entities from interfering with the work. When casting a circle, a magician begins at the easternmost point and symbolically draws a protective circle around a designated area, moving in a clockwise direction from east to south to west to north and finally coming back to the east.

Some schools of thought teach that guardians or archangels stand as sentries at the thresholds of these four directions. The archangel Raphael is often associated with the east; Michael is said to preside over the south; Gabriel guards the west; and Uriel resides in the north. You can petition these guardians and ask them to lend their assistance to your magical rituals and rites. Each of these guardians and directions also corresponds to one of the four elements: air, fire, water, and earth respectively. Connecting with them and drawing upon their powers can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your magical work.

In addition to the four compass points, there are three other directions you’ll need to consider. The first of these, Above, refers to the heavenly realm and all entities and forces residing on that plane: God, Goddess, angels, spirit guides, ancestors, and so on. The second, Below, corresponds to the heart of Mother Earth, the foundation of physical existence. Within means your own inner dimension, the Self. It’s important to align yourself with all seven of these directions and to balance their energies when you’re doing magic. They are all sources of power, and they all influence outcomes.

The Four Elements

When magicians refer to the elements, they don’t mean the table of elements you learned about in high school chemistry. Rather, these four — earth, air, fire, and water — are fundamental energies that operate in the physical world. You could think of them as the building blocks of life. Their physical aspects are readily apparent — rocks and soil, wind, the sun, lakes and streams. In magic, however, the vibrational qualities of these four elements are equally important.

The elements play a key role not only in magic but in many metaphysical practices as well. In astrology, each of the twelve zodiac signs falls into one of these four elements. (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are fire signs; Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn comprise the earth signs; Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius make up the air signs; and Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are water signs.) The four suits of the tarot correspond to the four elements: wands relate to fire, pentacles to earth, swords to air, and cups to water. Each of the four compass directions discussed earlier is also associated with one of the four elements: north is linked with earth, east with air, south with fire, and west with water. Colors, shapes, sounds, smells, textures, food — just about everything — can be grouped into one or another of the elemental categories.

Part of your development as a magician involves understanding and learning to draw upon these elements in order to produce the results you desire. In some instances, you may wish to emphasize one of the elements; in other situations, you might find it advantageous to combine the elements to create balance. Each element has its own properties, and it’s up to you to decide how to use them. In later chapters, you’ll learn more about the elements and their applications in magic spells.


Fire’s fundamental vibration is masculine or yang. Its energy is active, assertive, stimulating, hot, dry, outer-oriented, energizing, individualized, and self-directed. Metaphysicians also connect the fire element with Spirit and will, for its creative force animates matter. In alchemy, an upward-pointing triangle serves as a symbol for the fire element.

To understand the nature of the fire element, consider the sun. The centerpiece of the solar system, the sun’s warmth, light, and vitality are essential to life on Earth. The color red, sports, physical combat, vigorous activity, spicy foods, rock music, cactus, and Corvettes all partake of the fire element. Can you ascertain the common denominator that underlies all these seemingly disparate things?

Fire magic brings the energy of the fire element into your spell. Candle magic is perhaps the most popular form of fire magic. The process of charging a crystal in the sun is an example of another simple fire spell.

Magicians draw upon the fire element when they wish to initiate new projects, break up stagnant situations, or add zest to any endeavor. If you lack initiative, fire magic can help you get started. If you’re doing a spell to launch a business venture or stimulate passion in a lackluster relationship, you’ll want to include a hefty dose of the fire element.


Earth’s vibration is feminine or yin. Fire may serve as the activating force, but earth provides the substance that gives form to your desires. Stable, receptive, fruitful, passive, nurturing, quiet, slow-moving, inner-directed, and enduring, earth energy is depicted best by Mother Earth herself. In alchemy, a downward-pointing triangle with a horizontal line through it symbolizes the earth element.

The color green, agriculture, oak trees, rocks, massage therapy, bread, cashmere, leather furniture, and government bonds all correspond to the earth element — can you see why? Magicians tap earth’s energy when they want to encourage growth and/or abundance, to make a dream a reality, or to produce a long-lasting result. If your goal is to attract wealth or protect your home, you’ll want to incorporate the earth element into your spell.

Earth magic often involves drawing upon the fertility of Mother Earth. Some prosperity spells, for instance, recommend planting seeds to represent your objectives. As you water and care for the seeds, you symbolically nurture your dreams. As the plant grows and flourishes, your intentions will bear fruit.


Air’s energy is masculine or yang. Its alchemical symbol is an upward-pointing triangle with a horizontal line through it. Usually this element is associated with ideas, the mental realm, communication and language, instability, flexibility, rapid movement, and social interaction. If you want to get a good sense of the air element, think of the wind. The wind is never still and can quickly change from a balmy breeze to a gusty gale. The wind also carries pollen to fertilize crops, just as ideas move between people to enrich cultures.

Air magic involves communication. Words of power, such as the fabled word “ABRACADABRA,” invoke air magic. Magicians frequently use chants, affirmations, and incantations in spells and rituals. Whether you speak these words aloud or write them down, specially chosen words and phrases can help activate your intentions.

Here are some familiar things that fall under the domain of air: the color yellow, computers, books, birds, flute music, telephones, fans, voile, and incense. Can you see the underlying similarities between these objects that link them to the air element? If you wish to stimulate new ideas, to enhance communication or cooperation between people, or to help someone ace a test, consider drawing on the energies of air to empower your spell.


Water’s vibration is feminine or yin. Alchemists use a downward-pointing triangle to symbolize this element. Receptive, passive, cool, quiet, inner-directed, adaptable, fluid, intuitive, undifferentiated, and creative, the water element is usually linked with the emotions. To understand the characteristics of this element, observe its many natural forms. The ocean’s tides, the rain that nourishes crops, and the stream that erodes soil and even rocks over time all depict various aspects of water.

Water’s essence is present in the color blue, sailboats, alcoholic beverages, poetry, painting, dreams, and perfume — can you see why? Spells designed to encourage romantic feelings between two people, to inspire imagination, or to defuse antagonistic situations can benefit from a splash of the water element.

Water spells often involve liquid of some type, such as water, wine, or fruit juice. Pour the liquid you’ve chosen into a special goblet or chalice. Focus on your objective, mentally projecting your intentions into the liquid. Then drink the beverage to make your wish come true. If your spell involves a relationship with another person, invite him to share the magical drink with you.


Many beings that ordinarily remain unseen by most people live side-by-side with humans in the physical world. Folklore and fairy tales frequently refer to these entities. Seafaring legends, for instance, often mention mermaids, and leprechauns appear with regularity in Irish lore.

Most people discount these creatures as pure fantasy, but magicians recognize them as elementals. You could think of these nonphysical beings as ambassadors for the four elements. Each is a citizen of his or her particular realm, and each possesses unique qualities that are characteristic of the element that the creature harkens from. If you befriend them, elementals will serve as devoted helpers and eagerly assist you in performing magic spells.

Salamanders are fire spirits. They are naturally drawn to people who exhibit courage, creativity, and initiative. When you do spells that involve action, inspiration, vitality, or passion, salamanders can serve as liaisons, marshalling the forces of the fire realm to assist you.

Gnomes are earth spirits. Sometimes called trolls or leprechauns, these elementals are practical, no-nonsense creatures that may appear a bit gruff. However, they possess a wonderful appreciation for material things and can be valuable aides when you’re doing prosperity spells.

Sylphs are air spirits. They naturally gravitate to intelligent, literary, and analytical people. In matters concerning communication, these elementals can be great allies — call on them when you’re doing spells that involve contracts or legal issues.

Ondines are water spirits. Mermaids and sirens fall into this category. These beautiful, but sometimes capricious, beings are drawn to emotional situations and relate best to sensitive, intuitive, and artistic people. Invite these elementals to assist you when you’re doing love spells.

Always remember to thank the elementals that assist you in your spell-working. If you behave disrespectfully toward them, they may retaliate by playing nasty tricks on you. These beings enjoy small gifts that express your appreciation. Be generous, and your elemental friends will continue to serve you faithfully:

  • Salamanders like candles and incense. Burn these to honor your elemental helpers.
  • Gnomes adore jewelry and crystals. Bury a token in the ground as a way of saying “Thanks.”
  • Sylphs enjoy flowers. Place fresh blossoms on your altar or lay them in a sacred spot outdoors as an offering.
  • Ondines are fond of perfume. Pour some in a stream, lake, or other body of water.

Solar and Lunar Cycles

From the beginning of time, the sun and moon, and their ever-changing relationships to our planet, have fascinated human beings. Early civilizations honored these heavenly bodies as deities. Our distant ancestors noticed that the sun’s apparent movement brought about the seasons and that the moon’s phases altered the tides and affected fertility in humans and animals. Even in today’s sophisticated, modern society, it’s easy to see how solar and lunar forces operate in everyday life.

The sun, moon, and planets play important roles in magic, too. Choosing the right time to do magic, when solar and lunar vibrations are most auspicious, can greatly enhance the power and effectiveness of a spell. In Chapters 11 through 18, you’ll learn the best times to perform different types of spells.

Moon Phases

It’s easy to see the moon’s shifting faces as it traverses the night sky. Every month, the moon goes through eight distinct phases. Four of these are particularly important in spell-working. Because the moon changes so rapidly, you don’t have to wait long for the type of lunar energy you seek to become available.

For two weeks, from new moon to full moon, the moon is waxing, or increasing in size. This is a good time to cast spells that involve increase or expansion. For the two weeks from the full moon to the next new moon, the moon wanes, or diminishes in size. This is a good time for spells dealing with decrease or letting go.

If, for instance, you wish to earn more money or get a promotion at work, do a spell during the waxing moon. As the moon’s light grows, so will your fortune. Conversely, if you seek to reduce your responsibilities at work or at home, cast a spell during the waning moon. Maybe you want to decrease your debt, end a relationship that no longer satisfies you, or lose weight. Spells designed to address these objectives are best done during the waning phase. As the moon shrinks, so will the conditions you’ve targeted with your magic.

The new moon is the best time to plant symbolic seeds that represent whatever you’re trying to create in your life. At this time of the month, cast spells to launch a new business, begin a relationship, or start a family. As the moon moves toward its full phase, you can watch your endeavor develop. The new moon is a good time to do divination, too. Some months contain two new moons. The second one is called the black moon. It is considered more powerful than a regular new moon, so any seeding spells you do under a black moon may manifest more quickly.

The full moon represents the time of harvest. Under its bright light, you observe the fruits of the seeds that you planted during the new moon. Concentrate now on the culmination of these spells. In some cases, you may see the results of your new moon spells by the subsequent full moon, but it can take several full moons for some spells to manifest. Spells for healing and empowerment are best performed during a full moon (unless the desired result involves loss or decrease, such as shrinking a tumor or lowering blood pressure). Some months contain a second full moon, known as the blue moon. This is a particularly powerful time for manifesting what you initiated at the new moon.

Once you begin casting spells according to the moon’s movement, you may notice subtle differences in yourself — your emotions, your body rhythms, fluctuations in your menstrual periods, your libido levels, your hormones, your dreams, the intensity of your intuition. The moon, after all, is our closest celestial neighbor. It is intimately connected to the ancient worship of the Goddess, to the feminine principle, and the collective unconscious. Developing an awareness of lunar rhythms will help strengthen your link to the Divine.

Keeping a Lunar Journal

You may find it useful to keep track of the moon’s phases for a few months. In a notebook or computer file, write a paragraph or two about how you feel during each lunar phase — describe your emotions, experiences, thoughts, and anything unusual or especially meaningful that happens. You might also wish to record your dreams and examine them in connection with the moon’s position. This practice will enable you to track your own energetic shifts, so you can work successfully with lunar power.

The Wheel of the Year

For centuries, Earth-honoring cultures have followed the sun’s passage through the sky. Our ancestors divided the Wheel of the Year, as the sun’s annual cycle is known, into eight periods of approximately six weeks, with each spoke corresponding to a particular degree in the zodiac wheel.

In Wicca and other Pagan belief systems, these eight holidays (or holy days) are called sabbats. It’s no coincidence that many modern-day holidays fall close to these ancient solar dates and are still celebrated in similar ways. Each of these special days affords unique opportunities for performing magic spells and rituals.


The most holy and solemn of the sabbats, Samhain (pronounced SOW-een) is observed on the night of October 31. It is a time to remember and honor loved ones who have passed over to the other side, hence Halloween’s association with the dead. Also known as the witches’ New Year, Samhain begins the Wheel of the Year. Wearing costumes on Halloween stems from the early practice of making wishes on this date (similar to New Year’s resolutions). The colorful custom of dressing up as the person you’d like to be in the coming year serves as a powerful magic spell and visual affirmation.

Magicians believe the veil that separates the seen and unseen worlds is thinnest on Samhain. Therefore, this is an ideal time to try to connect with nonphysical entities such as ancestors, angels, or spirit guides. Many people also do divination on Samhain, when insights and information flow easily.

Winter Solstice or Yule

The Winter Solstice occurs when the sun reaches 0 degrees of Capricorn, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, usually around December 21. In pre-Christian Europe and Britain, the joyful holiday celebrated the birth of the Sun King, who brought light into the world during the darkest time of all. It’s easy to see parallels between this ancient view and the Christmas story.

Putting up an evergreen tree symbolizes the triumph of life over death, for these plants retain their needles even during the cold winter months.

Traditionally, a Yule log is burned on the eve of the Winter Solstice. Ashes from the Yule fire are collected and used in magic charms to bring blessings in the months ahead.

Imbolc, Brigid’s Day, or Candlemas

This holiday honors Brigid, the beloved Celtic goddess of healing, smith-craft, and poetry. The sabbat is celebrated either on February 1 or around February 5, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Aquarius.

Imbolc means “in the belly,” and the holiday honors creativity in its many diverse forms. Brigid is known as the lady of the flame or hearth, so fire plays a prominent role in the festivities that mark her special day. Sometimes she is depicted with a cauldron, which represents the womb and the receptive, fertile quality of feminine energy. At Brigid’s Day rituals, participants may build a fire in a cauldron and drop requests written on slips of paper into the flames. Often candles are lit in her honor, each representing a wish or intention a celebrant hopes that Brigid will bring to fruition.

Spring Equinox or Ostara

Usually celebrated around March 21, the Spring Equinox occurs when the sun enters 0 degrees of Aries. This sabbat recognizes one of two dates each year when daylight and night are of equal length. Thus the holiday celebrates a time of balance, equality, and harmony.

The first day of spring, Ostara is a fertility holiday, a time for planting seeds — literally or figuratively — that you want to bear fruit in the coming months. This is an ideal time to launch new ventures or begin a new relationship. The word Easter derives from Ostara, and the custom of painting eggs (symbols of fertility and promise) has its roots in this sabbat.


Beltane is usually celebrated on May 1, although some people prefer to mark it around May 5, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Taurus. The second fertility holiday, Beltane coincides with a period of fruitfulness, when flowers blossom and new life emerges. The Maypole, around which young women dance, is an obvious phallic symbol.

In early agrarian cultures, celebrants built fires on Beltane and led livestock between them to symbolically bless them and increase their fertility. Human couples, too, saw Beltane as an auspicious time to express creativity, sensuality, and fertility. Beltane rituals often included sexual activity, and children conceived on this date were said to belong to the Goddess. Whether you wish to spark creativity of the mind or body, Beltane is an ideal time to cast spells for growth and abundance.

Summer Solstice or Midsummer

The longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice generally occurs around June 21, when the sun enters the zodiac sign Cancer. To agrarian cultures, this was a time of plenty, when crops were ripening and winter’s barrenness seemed far away. They celebrated this joyful holiday with feasting and revelry.

The symbolic seeds you planted earlier in the year now begin to bear fruit, too. This is a good time to collect herbs and flowers to make good-luck charms, especially those designed to attract abundance. Remember to give thanks on this holiday for the riches you’ve already received.

Lughnassadh or Lammas

Named for the Celtic god Lugh, this holiday is marked on August 1 or around August 5, when the sun reaches 15 degrees of Leo. Lughnassadh (pronounced LOO-na-saad) is the first of the harvest celebrations. Farmers cut grain at this time for baking bread and brewing beer. The old English song, “John Barleycorn Must Die,” describes this holiday’s preparations and festivities.

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven.” — Ecclesiastes 3:1.

Pagans today still enjoy sharing bread and beer with friends on this sabbat. While you’re kneading the bread, add a dried bean to the dough. The person who gets the bean in his or her piece of bread will be granted a wish before the next turn of the wheel. Remember to share your bounty with the nature spirits who helped produce the harvest — leave some food out for them as a gesture of thanks.

Autumn Equinox or Mabon

The second harvest festival, the Autumn Equinox usually falls around September 22, when the sun moves to 0 degrees of Libra. Day and night are now equal in length, so this sabbat represents a time of balance and harmony.

Early Pagans fashioned a doll from corn, wheat, or straw to represent the Sun King, whose powers are waning, and tossed it into a fire as an offering to Mother Earth. You might also choose to braid three stalks of grain together, each stalk symbolizing a wish that you want to come true. Hang the braid in your home to remind you of your intentions.

It’s All in Your Mind

You’ve heard the expression, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” In fact, the opposite is true: You’ll see it when you believe it. Objective reality, as Werner Heisenberg demonstrated in the 1920s, doesn’t exist. According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the observer influences the circumstances being observed, a discovery that’s being expanded upon by today’s quantum physicists. By focusing your mind on something, you actually affect it and even bring it into being. That’s the basis of all magic.

Intent, Desire, and Magic

The purpose of a spell is to manifest something that you need or desire. That need or desire (or both) comprises your intent. When you cast a spell, your intent is as vital to your success as your beliefs. What are you trying to accomplish? What’s your goal? What outcome are you seeking? How badly do you want what you’re trying to achieve or accomplish?

“Every intentional act is a magical act.” — Aleister Crowley

Many of us have had the experience of getting something we desired, even without the ritual of casting a spell. The magic ingredient that makes your wish come true is intent.

Here’s an example. Vicki had to stop at her local supermarket to drop off a roll of film. The film section was at the front of the store. Although she was hungry, she was in a hurry and didn’t have time to run all the way to the back of the store to the produce section. As she approached the supermarket door, she thought about how much she would love to eat a sweet, juicy peach. The closer she got to the door, the more vividly she imagined that peach. She could see its rich color, could smell it, could almost feel it in her hands. When Vicki reached the front door, she spotted a display of fresh peaches. In the many years she’d been shopping at this store, she had never seen a display of fruit at the front. She bought peaches, of course, and they tasted every bit as good as she’d imagined.

What’s fascinating about this story is that it aptly illustrates how intent constantly creates magic in life. Yet despite our astonishment and delight when magic like this happens, people usually write it off as a coincidence and eventually forget about it altogether. If you pay attention, however, you’ll soon begin to notice that “coincidences” occur all the time. The more you believe in the power of intent, the more often you’ll see your desires manifest.

Consciously Creating Circumstances

If you can create circumstances without consciously intending to do so, think how much more successful you’ll be if you really put your mind to it. With enough willpower and passion, you can achieve almost anything you can imagine.

Everything in the world started out as a thought in someone’s mind. Before a building can take form, an architect must envision it. The same is true in magic. Before you can get the job you want or the relationship you desire, you must be able to imagine having it. It’s not necessary to envision every step along the way or decide exactly how all the events leading up to the outcome will unfold, but you must clearly see the end result.

In fact, seeing from the end is essential. Don’t get discouraged if, in the course of moving toward your goal, you appear to hit a snag or matters don’t seem to be progressing the way you’d expected. Hold firmly to your vision of the outcome you desire, and trust that it will manifest.

Doubt is to magic like water is to fire. If you doubt you’ll accomplish your objectives, you’ll derail the train of thought that was carrying you toward your destination.

As a magician, one of the first tasks you need to master is disciplining your mind. Instead of letting your mind run amuck, start paying attention to your thoughts. Eliminate the ones that run contrary to your desires or that undermine your confidence. A magician never puts her mind on something she doesn’t want to happen. As soon as you notice yourself thinking something negative or self-limiting, stop yourself and mentally X-out the thought. Then immediately replace it with a positive one.

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