You know the one – sparks instantly fly, it’s love (or lust) at first sight, and even though there’s lots of drama, trauma, betrayal, addictions and obsessions of all stripes and colors, you know youare in LOVE, and the power of your kiss can transform that frog into a Prince Charming.

Is that person you are so magnetically and hopelessly drawn to a soul mate, or an unfinished bit of karmic debt?

It doesn’t even need to be a love interest; what about your brand new best friend, the one who immediately stepped forward at your new job, your new apartment, at church, where ever. They confide the most intimate details of their lives immediately, and you are drawn (or feel obliged) to do the same. Yet there is often a vague feeling something’s not quite right with this friend or love interest, you find yourself mired in someone else’s problematic life, start to feel annoyed or angry, and either feel guilty you feel this way about your “best friend”, and bite the bullet, bear the cross, and go the extra mile outof loyalty,

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