*The Discordian or Erisian movement is described as a ‘Non- Prophet Irreligious Disorganization and has claimed ‘The Erisian revelation is not a complicated put-on disguised as a new religion, but a new religion disguised as a complicated put-on. ” It all started with the *’Principia Discordia, or How I Found the Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her’*, a collection of articles and ideas compiled by Greg Hill (Malaclypse the Young-er). The central theme is ‘Chaos is every bit as important as Order’ as illustrated in the story of The curse of Greyface:

*Humor is central to Discordianism, but Discordianism should not be dismissed as a joke. Profound experiences frequently accompany the practice or Erisinaism. It is a perceptual game, one which demonstrates that the absurd is just as valid as the mundane and chaos is just as valid as order. It frees the practitioner from the order games (that most have forgotten are games) to play games with order or games with chaos, or both. The effects of Discordianism upon an individual can be far reaching and amazingly liberating. [Although a great many immature individuals have played at Discordianism and thereby side stepped any chance of spiritual growth whatsoever — Grey Cat *wryly*] Amythystian

Founded in 1968 by Lady Amethyst. Tradition is rooted in the Order of the Garter, Order of the Royal Oak. Traditional with lots of Hermetic beliefs. Dedicated to preserving old traditions while growing into a new generation of enlightened ones. Teaches by example in daily life, at home and at work, as well as when among our own. Known through work and deeds. Believes in a strict code of ethics exemplified by one’s actions and lives by the Wiccan Rede.

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